Ben and Jen Are Divorcing

jennifer-garner-ben-affleck-400x300News has been confirmed that Ben Affleck (massa Ben to some – hey, I couldn’t pass that one up) and Jennifer “Alias” Garner are heading to Divorce Court.

I really am shocked about this. As strange it may sound, I really thought these two would be together forever. I haven’t read the exact reason behind the divorce but did read a snippet in which Ben said, and I’m paraphrasing (or making it up – whichever) that they (he and Jen) feel this is the right thing to do. Hearing, rather, reading that tells me this has been in the works for some time. I do remember hearing the rumors a few weeks back, but didn’t believe it. Granted, they weren’t my Demi and Bruce (Demi Moore and Bruce Willis for you youngins), but they were close.

After doing some digging, I was able to obtain a transcript of Ben telling Jen that he wanted a divorce and here it is:

Ben: “Jen, I am my own movie”

Jen (after thinking about it for a minute, looks at Ben with a confused look on her face): “What does that mean?”

Ben: “I’m Gone Girl” (Ben then gave three snaps in a Z formation, hopped in his Bat-mobile and took off like a bat out of hell)